5 Surprising Benefits of Cooking Rice in an Air Fryer: The Ultimate Guide

Looking for a way to make a quick and easy rice dish that doesn’t require a lot of prep or babysitting on the stove? Enter the air fryer. This popular kitchen gadget can do a lot more than just fry up chicken wings and French fries. Cooking rice in an air fryer is a great option for anyone who wants to make fluffy, perfectly cooked rice without having to worry about it burning or sticking to the bottom of the pot.

Plus, it’s a handy option for those times when your stovetop and oven are already in use. In this quick guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know to make rice in an air fryer, including tips for getting the perfect texture and flavor every time.

Prepping Your Rice

Can you make rice in an air fryer? Absolutely! Making rice in an air fryer is a quick and easy way to prep this popular staple. First, rinse the rice in cold water until the water runs clear. Then, add the rice to the air fryer basket and cover it with water, making sure there is enough to fully submerge the rice.

Set the temperature to 350°F and cook for about 20 minutes, or until the rice is tender. Once done, fluff the rice with a fork and serve. Making rice in an air fryer not only saves time, but also avoids the worry of spilling water or boiling over, which can often happen using a traditional stovetop method.

Give it a try and see how easy it is to prep your rice in an air fryer!

Measure rice and rinse well

When it comes to cooking rice, the first step is to ensure that you are properly prepping it. This means measuring out the appropriate amount and rinsing it well. Measuring rice may seem straightforward, but it’s important to get the ratio just right in order to achieve the best results.

A good rule of thumb is to use one cup of rice to two cups of water. However, depending on the type of rice and your personal preference, you can adjust the ratio accordingly. Once you’ve measured your rice, the next step is to rinse it well.

Rinsing removes any excess starch or debris that may be present on the grains. It also helps to ensure that your rice cooks evenly and doesn’t become clumpy. To rinse your rice, simply place it in a fine-mesh strainer and run it under cold water until the water runs clear.

This should only take a few minutes, but it’s an important step that should never be skipped. By properly prepping your rice, you’ll be on your way to perfectly cooked grains every time.

can you make rice in air fryer

Add water based on rice type and quantity

When it comes to cooking rice, adding the right amount of water is important to ensure that your rice turns out perfectly fluffy. The amount of water you add to your rice will depend on the type of rice you are using and the quantity you are cooking. For white rice, the general rule is to use a ratio of 1:2 parts water to rice.

This means that for every cup of rice, you will need to add two cups of water. However, for other types of rice, such as brown rice, the ratio will be different. Brown rice requires more water than white rice, with a ratio of 1:

5 or even 1:3 parts water to rice. It’s important to keep in mind that different types and brands of rice may also have slightly different water requirements, so it’s important to read the instructions on the package carefully. Additionally, the quantity of rice you are cooking will also affect the amount of water you need to add.

As a general rule, the larger the quantity of rice, the more water you will need. By keeping these factors in mind and adjusting the amount of water accordingly, you can ensure that your rice turns out perfectly cooked every time.

Soak the rice for at least 30 minutes

Prepping Your Rice: Soak the Rice for at Least 30 Minutes If you’re a rice-lover, you probably know how important it is to nail the texture of perfectly cooked rice. That fluffiness and tenderness add a whole new level of satisfaction to your meals. But did you know that soaking your rice before cooking it can make a huge difference? Whether you’re using a rice cooker or cooking rice on the stovetop, soaking is an essential step that can result in softer and fluffier rice.

Soaking rice is particularly important if you’re using long-grain rice varieties like basmati or jasmine. These rice types have an outer layer that contains starch, which can make them gummy and clumpy if not properly rinsed or soaked. Soaking allows the rice to absorb water uniformly, softening the outer layer and letting the rice grains cook evenly.

To soak your rice, all you need to do is rinse it thoroughly under running water, put it in a bowl, and fill it with enough water to cover the rice. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes or up to 8 hours. After soaking, drain off the water and rinse the rice again before cooking it.

In conclusion, soaking your rice is a crucial step in prepping it for cooking. Soaking helps remove starch and unwanted particles, resulting in fluffier and softer rice. It’s a simple step that can make a huge difference in the overall quality of your meals.

So next time you cook rice, make sure to give it enough time to soak before you start cooking.

Setting up the Air Fryer

Can you make rice in an air fryer? Yes, you absolutely can! In fact, using an air fryer to cook rice can produce perfect results every time – fluffy, evenly cooked grains that are neither too dry nor too sticky. But before you toss in your rice and hit the power button, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, you’ll want to make sure you’re using the right type of rice – long-grain jasmine or basmati rice work best.

Secondly, make sure to rinse the rice thoroughly and drain off any excess water before adding it to the air fryer basket. Finally, add the appropriate amount of water (usually a 1:5 rice-to-water ratio), cover the basket with foil, and cook on a medium setting for about 18-20 minutes.

Once it’s done, fluff the rice with a fork and enjoy! The versatility of an air fryer never ceases to amaze me, and using it to make rice is just another example of how this kitchen gadget can make our lives easier.

Preheat air fryer to 375°F

“Preheat air fryer to 375°F” Before diving into cooking, it’s important to know how to set up your air fryer. Preheating your air fryer to 375°F is a crucial first step to ensure that your food comes out crispy and evenly cooked. Thankfully, this step is easy to do.

Simply turn on your air fryer and adjust the temperature to 375°F. This will trigger the preheating process, which typically takes around three to five minutes. It’s important to preheat your air fryer because it allows the appliance to reach the desired temperature before you start cooking.

By doing this, you’ll avoid the risk of undercooked or unevenly cooked food, which can be dangerous and unappetizing. Once your air fryer has fully preheated to 375°F, you can begin cooking your food to perfection, achieving that crispy, restaurant-quality texture. So, before cooking your favorite meals, don’t forget to preheat your air fryer to 375°F!

Drain soaked rice and add to air fryer basket

Setting up the air fryer is a crucial step in ensuring that you get the best results possible. To begin, drain soaked rice and add it to the air fryer basket. Make sure to spread the grains out evenly so that they cook evenly as well.

When setting up the air fryer, it’s important to remember that the temperature and time will vary depending on the type of rice you’re using, so always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific guidelines. Don’t be afraid to experiment a little either- cooking times may need to be adjusted depending on your preference for texture and taste. Ultimately, with a little bit of trial and error, you’ll be able to find the perfect air frying setup for your rice dishes.

Spread rice evenly and lightly spray with oil

When setting up your air fryer, it’s important to get the most out of your cooking surface. And one of the best ways to do this is by spreading rice evenly and lightly spray it with oil. This will give your food an even cook and a fantastic crispy texture that you won’t be able to resist.

To set up your air fryer, simply place a thin layer of rice on the bottom of the basket, making sure it is spread evenly. Then, lightly spray the rice with an oil of your choice, making sure that it is not too much as this can cause your food to become oily. Spread out your food on top of the rice, making sure that it is evenly distributed and doesn’t overlap.

And voila! You have a perfectly cooked and deliciously crispy meal, thanks to your well-set up air fryer. So go ahead and experiment with different types of food and see what works best for you. You’ll be surprised at just how many new recipes and ideas you can come up with!

Cooking the Rice

Can you make rice in an air fryer? Absolutely! In fact, using an air fryer is an excellent, hassle-free method to cook rice. The first step is to measure out the desired amount of rice and rinse it in a fine-mesh strainer until the water runs clear. Next, add the rinsed rice and the appropriate amount of water to the air fryer basket, and mix well.

Then, set the temperature to 375°F and cook the rice for 12-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. After cooking, let the rice sit for 5 minutes before fluffing it with a fork. The result? Perfectly cooked and fluffy rice, with little to no mess.

Plus, using an air fryer to cook rice is energy-efficient and doesn’t take up any extra stove space. So, next time you’re wondering if you can make rice in an air fryer, go ahead and give it a try – your taste buds will thank you!

Close air fryer and set timer for 12-15 minutes

If you’re cooking rice in an air fryer, it’s essential to set the timer for 12 to 15 minutes and close the air fryer lid to cook the rice thoroughly. To start, rinse your rice adequately and drain any excess water. Then, add the rice to the air fryer and add water, ensuring the water is about an inch above the rice.

Cooking times will vary based on the type of rice used. For example, brown rice will take longer to cook than white rice. The great thing about cooking rice in an air fryer is that it’s a lot quicker than cooking it on the stove.

However, you’ll need to keep an eye on the timer and ensure that the rice doesn’t burn. Additionally, the texture of the rice may not be the same as if you cooked it on the stove. Nonetheless, cooking rice in an air fryer is an easy alternative that’ll save you time and energy.

Now, all that’s left to do is enjoy your delicious rice with your meal!

Check rice halfway through and give it a stir

Cooking rice is a simple task, but there are a few key things to remember to make sure your rice comes out perfectly every time. One of the most important steps is to check the rice halfway through cooking and give it a stir. This ensures that the rice cooks evenly and doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan.

When cooking rice, it’s important to use the right amount of water so that the rice doesn’t become too dry or too soggy. The best way to cook rice is to bring it to a boil in a pot with a tight-fitting lid, then reduce the heat and let it simmer until all the water is absorbed. Remembering to give the rice a good stir halfway through is key to achieving perfectly cooked rice that is fluffy and flavorful.

So next time you’re cooking rice, don’t forget to check on it and give it a stir to ensure delicious results every time.

Final Touches and Serving Suggestions

If you’re wondering if you can make rice in an air fryer, the answer is a resounding yes! Not only is it possible, it’s also incredibly easy and quick. Simply rinse your rice and add it to a pot with the appropriate amount of water. Set your air fryer to 350°F and cook for about 18-20 minutes, or until the rice is cooked through.

But what about final touches and serving suggestions? You could add some sliced vegetables or protein to the rice for added flavor and nutrition. You could also sprinkle some herbs or spices on top, such as cilantro or paprika, for a burst of flavor and color. And of course, don’t forget your favorite sauce or dressing to tie everything together.

The possibilities are endless, so don’t be afraid to get creative with your air fryer rice dishes!

Fluff cooked rice with fork before serving

When it comes to serving rice, it’s important to give it the final touches that elevate it from a simple side dish to a delicious and satisfying meal. One important step that is often overlooked is fluffing the cooked rice with a fork before serving. This simple technique helps to separate the individual grains of rice, giving it a lighter, fluffier texture that is more pleasing to the palate.

Fluffing the rice also helps to release any excess moisture, preventing it from becoming clumpy or sticky. So the next time you cook up a batch of rice, don’t forget to give it a quick fluff before serving. Your taste buds will thank you!

Serve with your favorite rice dishes

When it comes to completing a meal, the final touches and serving suggestions can make all the difference. For the perfect accompaniment to your favorite rice dishes, try garnishing your plate with fresh herbs or sliced scallions for an extra pop of color and flavor. Another great option is to drizzle a bit of sriracha or soy sauce over the top for a touch of heat or umami goodness.

And don’t forget to pair your meal with a nice glass of wine or a cold beer to really bring out all the flavors of your dish. By adding these final touches and serving suggestions, you’ll elevate your rice dish to the next level and make it a meal to remember.


In conclusion, while it may seem tempting to try to cook rice in your air fryer, it is not recommended. While this appliance is great for cooking up crispy snacks and delicious meals, it is not equipped to handle the delicate balance of water and heat needed to properly cook rice. Stick to using a traditional rice cooker or pot on the stove for the best results and save your air fryer for frying up some tasty treats!”


Is it possible to make rice in an air fryer?
Yes, it is possible to make rice in an air fryer by using a rice cooker attachment or by cooking it in a heat-resistant container placed inside the air fryer basket.

How long does it take to make rice in an air fryer?
The cooking time may vary depending on the type and quantity of rice, but generally, it takes around 15-25 minutes to cook rice in an air fryer.

What type of rice can be cooked in an air fryer?
You can cook all types of rice, including white, brown, jasmine, and basmati rice, in an air fryer.

Can you use an air fryer to cook rice dishes?
Yes, you can use an air fryer to cook rice dishes like fried rice, rice pilaf, and biryani. Just follow your favorite recipe and adjust the cooking time and temperature accordingly.

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