Delicious and Nutritious Spinach Feta Tomato Frittata Recipe for a Perfect Breakfast

Ready to step up your breakfast game? Look no further than this delicious spinach feta tomato frittata. Perfect for a lazy weekend brunch or a quick weekday breakfast, this versatile dish is loaded with flavor and nutrients. But don’t let its impressive appearance intimidate you – with just 5 easy steps, you can whip up the perfect frittata in no time.

First, gather your ingredients – eggs, fresh spinach, juicy tomatoes, and tangy feta cheese. Then, sauté the spinach and tomatoes until they’re tender and fragrant. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl and stir in the cooked veggies and crumbled feta cheese.

Pour the mixture into a well-oiled skillet and cook until the bottom is golden brown. Finally, finish it off under the broiler until the top is puffed and lightly browned. Not only is this frittata impressively delicious, it’s also packed with nutrients.

Spinach is filled with vitamins and minerals, while tomatoes are high in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. And feta cheese adds a punch of flavor and protein. Plus, with just a few simple steps, this dish is a perfect way to start your day off right.

So give it a try – your taste buds (and your body) will thank you.

Step One: Gather Ingredients

If you’re in the mood for a delicious and healthy breakfast or lunch, look no further than a spinach feta tomato frittata. To get started, gather all the ingredients you’ll need: baby spinach, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, eggs, milk, salt and pepper. You’ll also need an oven-safe skillet to cook the frittata.

Begin by whisking together the eggs and milk until well combined, then set aside. Wash and dry the baby spinach and halve the cherry tomatoes. Cut the feta cheese into small cubes.

Heat up the skillet over medium-high heat and add a tablespoon of olive oil. Once the oil is hot, add the baby spinach and cook for a minute or two until wilted. Add the cherry tomatoes to the skillet and stir to combine with the spinach.

Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables and let it cook for a minute or two until the edges start to set. Top the frittata with cubes of feta cheese and transfer the skillet to the oven to finish cooking for about 10 minutes. Once the frittata is done, it should be golden brown and puffy.

Let it cool for a few minutes before serving. Enjoy your delicious and nutritious spinach feta tomato frittata!

Spinach, Feta Cheese, Diced Tomatoes, Eggs, Milk, Salt, Pepper

Spinach, Feta Cheese, Diced Tomatoes, Eggs, Milk, Salt, Pepper Step One: Gather Ingredients If you’re looking for a simple and tasty breakfast recipe to start your day, this spinach, feta cheese, and diced tomato omelet might just be the perfect option! To get started, the first step is to gather all of the necessary ingredients. This includes a handful of fresh spinach, crumbled feta cheese, diced tomatoes, eggs, milk, salt, and pepper to taste. By having all the ingredients prepared and ready beforehand, you can ensure that your omelet-making process is as smooth as possible, and you can start your day in no time! Don’t forget to rinse the spinach and dice the tomatoes finely before you begin.

In doing so, you’ll spend less time preparing during the cooking process, giving you more time to savor the delicious flavors of your spinach, feta cheese, and diced tomato omelet.

spinach feta tomato frittata

Tools: Whisk, Mixing Bowl, Skillet

If you’re planning on making a delicious recipe that requires a whisk, mixing bowl, and skillet, then the first step would be to gather all the necessary ingredients. Whether you’re cooking up a savory breakfast or a sweet dessert, having your ingredients prepared and ready to go is essential for a successful dish. Take the time to read through the recipe and make sure you have everything you need, from the basic ingredients like flour, sugar, and eggs, to the more specific ingredients like dark chocolate chips or vanilla extract.

Having everything laid out in front of you will make the whole process a lot smoother and less stressful, giving you more time to focus on the cooking itself. So grab your whisk, mixing bowl, and skillet, and get ready to create something amazing in the kitchen!

Step Two: Prep the Ingredients

Now that you’ve got everything you need, it’s time to prep the ingredients for your scrumptious spinach feta tomato frittata. Start by preheating the oven to 375°F (190°C) so it’s ready when you are. Begin with the spinach and remove any tough stems or wilted leaves before washing and drying it thoroughly.

Next, dice the tomato into small pieces and crumble the feta cheese into chunks. You can also add in any other vegetables or herbs you like, such as onions or basil. Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk them together with a pinch of salt and black pepper.

Once you have everything prepared, it’s time to cook! By prepping the ingredients beforehand, you’ll make the cooking process smoother and faster, and the end result will be even more delicious.

Chop spinach, crumble feta cheese, dice tomatoes

When it comes to making a delicious spinach and feta salad, preparation is key. That’s why the second step is all about getting your ingredients ready. Start by washing your spinach leaves thoroughly and then chopping them into bite-sized pieces.

For the tomatoes, it’s best to dice them into small cubes to ensure their juicy sweetness is evenly distributed throughout the salad. And let’s not forget about the feta cheese – crumble it up into small crumbles so that each forkful has a cheesy burst of flavor. Trust us, doing a little extra prep work will make a huge difference in the end result.

Plus, it’s so satisfying to see all of the ingredients lined up and ready to go in their colorful glory. So, grab a knife and cutting board and get ready to chop, dice, and crumble your way to salad perfection.

Step Three: Mix the Eggs and Milk

To make a delicious spinach feta tomato frittata, the next step is to mix the eggs and milk. This is an essential component as it helps bind all the elements together. Start by whisking the eggs in a large bowl and adding milk, salt, and pepper to taste.

Whisk well until you get a smooth mixture. You can use either whole or low-fat milk depending on your preference. Whole milk will give a creamier and richer texture while low-fat milk will make it lighter.

Once the mixture is ready, pour it over the vegetable and cheese mixture in the pan and stir gently to make sure everything is evenly distributed. Let the frittata cook for a few minutes until the edges start to set before placing it in the oven to finish cooking. This will result in a flavorful, fluffy and truly sensational spinach feta tomato frittata that your family will love.

Whisk eggs and milk together, season with salt and pepper

If you want to make perfect scrambled eggs, you need to start by whisking your eggs and milk together. This step is crucial to ensure your eggs are fluffy and creamy. Whisking eggs is a simple task but it requires a bit of practice to get it right.

The key is to use a fork or a whisk and mix the eggs and milk until the yolks and whites have completely come together, and the mixture is smooth and creamy. Adding salt and pepper to the mixture will give it a pleasant taste and a touch of flavor. Salt also helps to break down the proteins in the eggs, making them tender and moist.

Incorporating this step into your breakfast routine will set the stage for a delicious and satisfying day ahead. So go ahead and give your eggs a whisk – your taste buds will thank you!

Step Four: Cook the Frittata

Once you’ve prepped your spinach feta tomato frittata, it’s time to pop it in the oven! Preheat your oven to 375°F and place your skillet on a burner over medium-high heat. Add a tablespoon of oil and wait for it to heat up. Once it’s hot, you can carefully pour your egg mixture into the skillet and use a spatula to evenly distribute the ingredients.

Cook for about 2-3 minutes until the edges start to set, then transfer the skillet to the oven and bake for 12-15 minutes or until the center is firm and fully cooked. Keep in mind that cooking times may vary based on your oven and skillet, so it’s best to keep an eye on it and use a toothpick to check if it’s ready. Once it’s done, carefully remove the skillet from the oven using oven mitts or towels and let it cool for a few minutes before slicing and serving.

Your spinach feta tomato frittata is now ready to enjoy!

Heat skillet, add spinach, tomatoes, and feta

In this fourth step of making a delicious frittata, it’s time to get cooking! Start by heating up a skillet over medium heat. Once it’s hot, add a handful of fresh spinach to the pan. The spinach will wilt down as it cooks, releasing its delicious flavor.

Next, add some fresh cherry tomatoes to the skillet. These little bursts of sweetness will give your frittata a burst of color and flavor. Finally, sprinkle some crumbled feta cheese over the top of the vegetables.

This will add a salty tang that perfectly complements the other ingredients. Cook everything together for a few minutes until the vegetables are soft and the cheese is melted. Your frittata is almost ready to eat!

Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables

Once you have evenly distributed your vegetables in the skillet, it’s time to pour the egg mixture over them. This step is crucial to ensure that the frittata cooks evenly throughout. You want to make sure that the eggs reach all the corners of the skillet, so gently shake the pan to allow the mixture to settle.

Depending on how much filling you have used, you may need to adjust the heat to ensure that the frittata is not burnt or undercooked. Keep an eye on the edges, and use a spatula to lift and check the underside occasionally. When you see that the eggs are set on the bottom and the edges are slightly browned, you can finish cooking the top in the oven or under the broiler for a few minutes.

With the vegetable filling nestled in the fluffy egg mixture, this frittata is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. Don’t forget to garnish with your favorite fresh herbs and serve with a side salad for a delicious and healthy meal!

Cook for 5-7 minutes until the edges are set

When cooking a frittata, it’s important to get the timing just right in order to achieve the perfect texture and taste. Step four involves cooking the frittata for 5-7 minutes until the edges are set. This means that the outer part of the frittata will start to turn golden brown and will no longer be runny or liquid-like.

It’s important to use a low to medium heat when cooking the frittata, as this will prevent the eggs from getting too tough or overcooked. You can test the doneness of the frittata by gently shaking the pan and seeing if the center is still jiggly or not. If it is, then you’ll need to continue cooking for another minute or so until the frittata is fully set.

Once the edges are cooked, you can finish off the rest of the cooking process by placing the frittata under the broiler for a few minutes until the top is lightly golden and the center is cooked through. With this step properly executed, your frittata will turn out to be absolutely delicious!

Transfer skillet to the oven and broil for 2-3 minutes until the top is golden and set

Now that your frittata mixture is ready and all the ingredients are well-mixed, it’s time to cook it up. Transfer the skillet to the oven and broil it for 2-3 minutes until the top is golden and set. This is an essential step in achieving that perfect frittata texture that’s lightly crispy on the outside and perfectly fluffy on the inside.

Broiling also allows the eggs to fully cook through without overcooking the other ingredients. You’ll want to keep a close eye on the frittata as it broils to make sure it doesn’t burn. Once cooked, remove the skillet from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes before slicing and serving.

The final result should be a beautiful golden-brown exterior with a moist and airy center packed full of flavor. So don’t be afraid to experiment with different ingredients and make this frittata recipe your own. With just a few simple steps, you’ll have a delicious and satisfying meal that’s perfect any time of day.

Step Five: Serve and Enjoy Your Delicious Frittata!

Congratulations! After following all the previous steps, you are finally ready to serve and enjoy your delicious spinach feta tomato frittata! Once it is cooked to perfection, remove it from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes. This will allow the frittata to set and make it easier to cut into portions. To make your frittata even more flavorful, you can top it off with some fresh herbs like basil, parsley, or chives.

Serve it warm with some crispy bread and a refreshing summer salad on the side for a complete meal. This savory and nourishing frittata is perfect for a cozy brunch or dinner with family and friends. Enjoy every bite of this protein-rich, low-carb, and gluten-free dish that is perfect for catering to all dietary requirements.

Don’t forget to share it with your loved ones and let them savor the tastiness of this healthy frittata!


In summary, this spinach feta tomato frittata is a perfect example of how simple ingredients can come together to create a truly spectacular dish. The earthy spinach pairs perfectly with the tangy feta and the vibrant burst of sweetness from the juicy tomatoes. The frittata is not only a quick breakfast or brunch option, but also a satisfying lunch or dinner.

So, whether you’re a seasoned frittata fan or a newcomer to the dish, this spinach feta tomato frittata is sure to become a staple in your recipe rotation. Bon appétit!”


What is a spinach feta tomato frittata?
A spinach feta tomato frittata is a breakfast dish made with whisked eggs, spinach, feta cheese, and diced tomatoes, cooked in a skillet until set.

How do you make a spinach feta tomato frittata?
To make a spinach feta tomato frittata, first sauté spinach and diced tomatoes in a skillet. Then, whisk eggs with salt, pepper, and crumbled feta cheese and pour it into the skillet. Cook until set and serve.

What are some variations of spinach feta tomato frittata?
Some variations of spinach feta tomato frittata include adding bell peppers, mushrooms, or caramelized onions. You can also use a different type of cheese like goat cheese or cheddar.

Can a spinach feta tomato frittata be made ahead of time?
Yes! A spinach feta tomato frittata can be made ahead of time and reheated in the oven or microwave. It’s a great option for meal prep and busy weekday mornings.

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